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Quality German Electric Heating

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Elsco Heating

Heating Scotland from Elgin & Glasgow  Tel:-  01343 819676    E Mail:- info@elsco.co.uk

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Heating- Radiant  Or a Lot of Hot  Air!

There is more to heat than you might think. Many heaters, fan heaters, blown air heaters, storage heaters and even some radiators produce mainly hot air, which rises to the ceiling before gradually filling the room with warm air from the ceiling down

If you think of a traditional open fire or even a modern wood burning stove, all the hot air goes up the chimney, yet these are renown for producing some of the cosiest heat of all. So what is this heat? Its radiant heat.

All our heaters are designed to produce  radiant heat. Radiant heat does not just rise to the ceiling, it heats the  area more evenly. Another interesting fact is the more  radiant heat, the  less energy is required to heat a room of a given size. Less energy equals less cost! So you can  get a cosy more comfortable room and lower electricity bills.  

Add controllability to your heater via top of the range electronic thermostats working each heater individually and you suddenly have a very efficient heating system.

Next:- The Science  How Our Heaters Work?

Future of domestic  Heating  Radiant Heat or hot air.pdf

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Heating- Radiant  Or a Lot of Hot  Air!

There is more to heat than you might think. Many heaters, fan heaters, blown air heaters, storage heaters and even some radiators produce mainly hot air, which rises to the ceiling before gradually filling the room with warm air from the ceiling down

If you think of a traditional open fire or even a modern wood burning stove, all the hot air goes up the chimney, yet these are renown for producing some of the cosiest heat of all. So what is this heat? Its radiant heat.

All our heaters are designed to produce  radiant heat. Radiant heat does not just rise to the ceiling, it heats the  area more evenly. Another interesting fact is the more  radiant heat, the  less energy is required to heat a room of a given size. Less energy equals less cost! So you can  get a cosy more comfortable room and lower electricity bills.  

Add controllability to your heater via top of the range electronic thermostats working each heater individually and you suddenly have a very efficient heating system.

In Germany, other parts of Europe and now UK, more and more people are choosing to heat there homes, offices, extensions and conservatories with a unique form of ELECTRIC heating in preference to GAS, OIL, LPG or any other form of central heating or storage heaters.

When you see this heating for yourself, you could be next to switch!

The  origin of this type of  heating was hundreds of years ago in Europe and Russia, a familiar sight in many houses was a “Kachelofen” a stove made out of fire brick which retained the heat for a long time after the fire had gone out These were covered in ceramic tiles for decoration and to retain  even more heat. These were efficient enough to heat the house for  up to 6-12 hours after the fire had stopped burning. This technology is the basis our German electric  heaters.